Title: An original concurrent resolution
setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for
fiscal year 2010, revising the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year
2009, and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2011
through 2014.
Sponsor: Sen
Conrad, Kent [ND] (introduced 3/27/2009)
Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills: H.CON.RES.85, H.RES.371, H.J.RES.45
Latest Major
Action: 4/29/2009 Conference report agreed to in Senate. Status: Senate
agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 53 - 43. Record Vote Number: 173.
Latest Conference Report: 111-89 (in Congressional
Record H4474-4836)
Note: 2010 budget resolution. Accompanying committee print: S.
Prt. 111-16.
4/22/2009--Passed House
amended. (There are 3 other summaries)
Sets forth the congressional budget for the federal government for FY2010,
including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY2009, and FY2011-FY2014.
Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts - (Sec. 101) Recommends
budgetary levels and amounts for FY2009-FY2014 with respect to: (1) federal
revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits
(on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.
(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays
for specified major functional categories for FY2009-FY2014.
Title II: Reconciliation - (Sec. 201) Sets forth reconciliation
instructions for the Committees on: (1) Energy and Commerce; (2) Ways and Means;
and (3) Education and Labor.
Authorizes the House to direct the House Clerk to add at the end of a health
care reform bill or an education investment bill, subject to these
reconciliation instructions, the text of another such measure as passed by the
House to form a single engrossed reconciliation bill.
Title III: Reserve Funds - (Sec. 301) Creates certain deficit-neutral
reserve funds, subject to specified conditions, for legislation concerning: (1)
health care reform; (2) college access, affordability, and completion; (3) an
increase in energy independence; (4) America's veterans and servicemembers; (5)
certain tax relief; (6) a 9/11 health program; (7) child nutrition; (8)
structural unemployment insurance reforms; (9) child support; (10) the
Affordable Housing Trust Fund; (11) home visiting for certain individuals and
families; and (12) a low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP)
(Sec. 313) Creates a reserve fund, subject to specified conditions, for
legislation concerning reauthorization of surface transportation programs.
(Sec. 314) Creates a current policy reserve fund, subject to specified
conditions, for legislation concerning: (1) Medicare improvements; (2)
middle-class tax relief; (3) Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) reform; and (4) the
Estate and Gift Tax.
Title IV: Budget Enforcement - (Sec. 401) Prescribes adjustments for
direct spending and revenues to maintain such current policy reserves, only if
certain conditions and pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) requirements are met.
Authorizes adjustments for the LIHEAP program, and prescribes other
adjustments for the deposit insurance guarantee commitment (in effect as of the
enactment of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 [EESA]).
(Sec. 402) Authorizes or prescribes adjustments to discretionary spending
limits, budgetary aggregates, and allocations for: (1) continuing disability
reviews, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) redeterminations, and SSI asset
verification by the Social Security Administration (SSA); (2) Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) tax compliance; (3) the health care fraud and abuse control
program; (4) unemployment insurance improper payments reviews; and (5) a
Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation in the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB).
States that new budget authority, outlays, and receipts resulting from
adoption of legislation making appropriations for FY2009-FY2010 for overseas
deployments and related activities, or appropriations for discretionary spending
to meet emergency needs, shall not count for certain purposes of the
Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (CBA).
(Sec. 403) Prohibits House legislation that would require advance
appropriations, except certain FY2011 or FY2012 programs, projects, activities,
or accounts.
(Sec. 404) Encourages all House committees to: (1) conduct rigorous oversight
hearings to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in all aspects of federal spending
and operations, giving particular scrutiny to issues raised by the Office of
Inspector General or Comptroller General; and (2) make recommendations, based on
these oversight efforts, to reduce wasteful federal spending to promote deficit
reduction and long-term fiscal responsibility.
(Sec. 405) Requires in the House the joint explanatory statement accompanying
the conference report on any budget resolution to include in its allocation to
the House Committee on Appropriations amounts for the discretionary
administrative expenses of the SSA and of the Postal Service.
Title V: Policy - (Sec. 501) Declares the policy of this resolution
on: (1) middle-income tax relief and revenues; and (2) defense priorities.
Title VI: Sense of the House - (Sec. 601) Expresses the sense of the
House of Representatives on: (1) veterans' and servicemembers' health care; (2)
homeland security; (3) American innovation and economic competitiveness; (4) pay
parity; (5) college affordability; (6) Great Lakes restoration; and (7) the
importance of child support enforcement.